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为什么我要选择Neon(Why should I choose Neon?)

Neon EVM 的主要优势是什么?(What are the main advantages of Neon EVM?)

The Neon EVM is built as a smart contract on Solana. It benefits from low gas fees (at a cost of no less than 0.000015 SOL per transaction) and high throughput (up to 4,500 Ethereum-like transactions per second).

Neon EVM 在 Solana 上被构建为智能合约。它受益于低 gas 费用(每笔交易的成本不低于 0.000015 SOL)和高吞吐量(每秒最多 4,500 笔类以太坊的交易)。

The advantages are all accomplished without significant changes to existing Ethereum smart contract code. In addition, Neon EVM provides access to familiar Ethereum developer tools (i.e. MetaMask, Remix, Truffle).

无需对现有以太坊智能合约代码进行重大更改即可实现所有优势。此外,Neon EVM 提供入口方便以太坊开发人员使用熟悉的工具(即 MetaMask、Remix、Truffle)。

Neon EVM 如何做到低成本高交易吞吐?(How are the costs of Neon EVM so low while maintaining a high transaction throughput?)

These two benefits are the result of Neon EVM working on Solana.

这两个好处是 Neon EVM 在 Solana 上运行的结果。

The main benefit of throughput comes from the parallel execution of transactions enabled by Solana.

吞吐量的主要好处来自 Solana 支持的交易并行执行。

The low costs of Neon EVM transactions are attributed to the low costs of Solana transactions.

Neon EVM 交易的低成本归根结底在于 Solana 交易的低成本。

哪些dApps在Neon EVM 上运行?(Are there any dApps currently running on Neon EVM?)

The Neon Labs team has launched NeonSwap, a fork of Uniswap V2 with no code changes, on the Neon EVM testnet.

Neon Labs 团队在 Neon EVM 测试网上推出了 NeonSwap,它是 Uniswap V2 的一个分支,无需更改代码。